meeting ANII-ENRICH_22112022

ENRICH in LAC Strategic Foresight Course in Uruguay

A week of fruitful meetings in Uruguay is crowned by our first on-site course on Strategic Foresight at UTEC, the Technological University of Uruguay.

ENRICH in LAC has initiated dialogues with ANII, the Uruguayan Agency for Research and Innovation; CIU, the Uruguayan Chamber of Industries; and LATU, the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay, looking forward to expanding the association’s network and starting new collaborations.

At UTEC, ENRICH in LAC in collaboration with ENRICH Global, is delivering the course module “Introduction to Strategic Foresight” to 20 staff members of the innovation department. The course concept developed by DLR-PT consists of a total of 4 modules, finalizing with a “Train-the-Facilitator” module aimed at training future foresight trainers.

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