
European Union – Latin America and the Caribeean Dialogue on Open Access Policies

Bi-Regional Conference on Open Access in an Open Science Environment

6-7 June 2023

The overall objective of the Bi-Regional Conference on Open Access in an Open Science Environment is to contribute to reinforce the EU–LAC cooperation in research and innovation, to gain a better, mutual understanding of current policies and implementation of open science in the two regions and to identify opportunities for collaboration and further alignment. The specific objectives are:

✓ To enhance common open science approaches and to promote compatible visions between the main R&I actors in the two regions through a mutual learning approach.
✓ To identify common challenges and complementarity of approaches towards open science practices and to explore possible joint actions.
✓ To promote a better understanding in the EU of the non-commercial decentralized open access digital infrastructures developed in the LAC region through a direct contact with their main actors.
✓ To jointly discuss possible paths for a more coordinated approach for enabling open access to scientific results across LAC region and the EU
✓ To explore further collaboration initiatives for a coordinated implementation of the open science policies in the EU and LAC region.

  • Speakers: R&I decision makers and high-level OA policy implementation agents from the LAC countries and the EC.
  • Participants: R&I decision makers, funding agencies, research performing organizations and assessment institutions from the LAC countries and the EC, diamond open access publishers, repository managers, OA policy implementation actors, researchers, librarians, stakeholders of the open science paradigm, and civil society representatives.
  • Language: Spanish. Interpretation services for English and Portuguese will be available.

Read here the complete information.

Check here the final agenda of the event.

More information about how to register: please contact Anneken Reise (

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