
(EIU.COM) Latin America outlook

Economist Intelligence - Join the team behind our Latin America outlook report on Thursday April 27th to examine the trends that will shape the economic, political and policy landscapes in the region. Session 1: 9am BST | 10am CET | 4pm HKTS ...

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German-Brazilian Edtech Hackathon

O Hackthon Edtech é um evento para desenvolver soluções tecnológicas para desafios locais e globais na Educação. Qualquer pessoa interessada no tema pode enviar desafios. A fase presencial acontecerá de 25 a 27 de maio no Instituto Goethe em São Pau ...

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Webinar – Quantum Technologies

The Quantum Technologies Webinar, that will take place on April 26th at 3:30 pm MEZ (10:30 am BRT), is a cooperation between the Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum of the University of Tübingen and the Brazilian Embassy in Berlin. The goal of this ...



On December 6th, meet the actors of digital innovation and discover new technological solutions to meet your new daily professional needs. Meet4Innovate is the business convention that meets the needs of innovative companies that have made the st ...


Soft-Landing Hubs Twinning Programme

ENRICH in LAC SLH Twinning Programme is coming soon. From April 6 to April 8, you can participate in our event, learn from our experts and benefit from a free online matchmaking session between European and Latin American participants. Registration is now open!